Teach a Girl to Read

Unlock Her Potential

Girls who live in impoverished regions of northern India do not get a proper education. Many do not attend school at all. But with Words of Hope, you can change that.

For just $50, a girl living in poverty in India can receive special tutoring services through Words of Hope for an entire school year. And right now, because of several generous donors, every dollar you give toward the cause will be doubled, so that twice as many girls can be helped!

The Problem

In impoverished northern Indian states where Words of Hope works, government schools are severely underfunded, the quality of education is poor, and many parents do not send their girls to school at all. 

Another major hurdle standing in the way of many of these girls receiving an education is the caste system. The caste system in India is tied into social status and wealth. While it is technically illegal to discriminate on the basis of caste in India, those in the lowest castes still face segregation and mistreatment daily. Low caste parents are often reluctant to send their girls to school because they know how much this discrimination hurts.

Educating girls is also a lower priority for many parents since they assume their daughters will marry young and stay home to take care of a household.

The Solution

The Words of Hope team in India has pioneered an after school tutoring program specifically designed to benefit such girls. As of right now, there are 37 Words of Hope tutoring centers in the country. All together, these centers are serving close to 1,000 students!

The teachers at our centers are working to help girls get back on track. They provide instruction in math, literacy, science, and more—giving extra help where needed, and encouraging girls to explore areas of special interest and skill. For girls who have never received formal education before, the teachers bring them up to speed with reading and math so that they can qualify for enrollment in a government school. 

You Can Help

Many of Words of Hope’s tutors are volunteers dedicated to making a difference. Often the tutoring takes place in local churches, which also reduces costs. Because of this, we are able to provide tutoring services for one student for one year for just $50. And right now, because of a matching challenge from existing Words of Hope donors, your donation can double to help twice as many girls. Please consider a donation today!

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