
Category: Devotionals


Walk with Enough

Read: Exodus 16:1-23 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. (Psalm 23:1) When I first memorized Psalm 23 as a child, I thought verse 1 meant “I shall not


Walk with the Shepherd

Read: John 10:1-14 The LORD is my shepherd. (Psalm 23:1a) I used to think that sheep were stupid, but recently I learned that I was wrong. Experts who know sheep



Read: Isaiah 30:19-22 This is the way, walk in it. (v. 21) I love to walk outdoors and pray. Being in creation restores my soul. But I also walk to burn


Come, Seek, Find

Read: Isaiah 55 You shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace. (v. 12) I hope this series encourages your study and enjoyment of God’s Word. May you


God’s Word for the World

Read: Acts 2:1-13 How is it that we hear, each of us in his own native language? (v. 8) My first Bible was a black leather edition with the words of


Doing What Scripture Says

Read: Psalm 119:97-112 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. (v. 105) “Some people are so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good.”


Discerning What Scripture Means

Read: 2 Timothy 3:10-17 All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable. (v. 16) How do we make sense of the Bible passages we read? Yesterday we learned to “delight” (Ps. 1:2)


Discipline Begins with Delight

Read: Psalm 139 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! (v. 17) Last Easter a college student in our congregation received baptism. Before going under the waters, she shared


What Just Happened?

Read: John 1:1-18 The Word became flesh. (v. 14) Yesterday, the world celebrated Christmas. From church services and Bible readings, to presents and special foods, to connecting with other believers and