August 2022 Prayer Guide

BHUTAN — Give thanks that our team in Bhutan is able to share the love of Christ through their children’s ministry. They have set up tuition centers as a way of witnessing through their love and care for people’s practical needs. Once they have made personal connections, they are able to share the gospel. The Lord is at work! Pray with us that at least 20 people will come to know the Lord in the coming days.

NIGER — Please pray for a pastor in Niger who received 100 SD cards from the Words of Hope team. He hopes to distribute the cards in the villages he visits. The cards are produced in French, Hausa, and Zarma. Each card contains hundreds of gospel messages, Bible stories, and music. The SD cards also include contact information that directs the listener back to the Words of Hope team for follow-up. 

ENGLISH — Please pray for marketing efforts for the daily devotional, Sunday School curriculum, and other English ministry resources. Pray that new people would learn about and be blessed by these offerings. Pray for wisdom for the team as they experiment with advertising on social media and other online platforms, as well as on radio. Our goal is to point to Christ as we advertise. 

TURKEY — We give thanks that Words of Hope’s radio and television programming in Turkey continues without interruption. Our Turkish director reports that his local church recently celebrated 18 new baptisms—all Muslim-background believers. Praise the Lord! Pray for our director as he shares the gospel through media and through one on one interactions. He recently had the chance to witness to the manager of a Turkish television station. 

IRAN — The Persian team is grateful for the support of the VBS students from Redeemer OPC in Ada, Michigan. The children gathered coins and made other donations during their VBS week in order to help the team purchase more Persian Bibles to give to believers in Iran. It has been wonderful to watch children getting the chance to learn more about the experiences of Christians living around the world. 

SOUTH SUDAN — We are thankful that many listeners have been able to return to South Sudan after having lived for a long time in Uganda as refugees. Praise the Lord that a 19-year-old police cadet just gave his life to Christ! The team reports that there are, in fact, so many listeners and new believers that it is difficult to adequately follow up with and counsel them all. Pray for coordination with area churches to meet the follow-up needs. 

UGANDA — The team ministering among the Kup-Sabiny reports that many people, even some Muslims, have been attending worship and prayer services. During a recent time of prayer, a Muslim man was listened to the message, and accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior. He said that he and his family would serve the Lord always, and that they were ready to follow the teachings of the church. Hallelujah!

ALBANIA — Our director in Albania has had the opportunity to present about Words of Hope’s ministry at several conferences organized by local churches. On each occasion, he has heard encouraging feedback from people about how much they enjoy the programs. Pray for the production of a new set of interviews with Kosovar Christians. We believe these programs will have a huge impact when aired in Kosovo and across Europe. 

INDIA — We give thanks that team members in India have been invited by various churches and families to lead prayer meetings and retreats. This is giving the Words of Hope team the opportunity to expand and coordinate with local churches to uplift and encourage believers. The team has also been able to connect to new voice talent for recording local language worship music in the studio.  

INDONESIA — Pray that the necessary logistics will work together to keep programs running smoothly. Our translator for the Siau language was recently sick, which stalled program production for some time. We are thankful that he is well now, and production has resumed. We are also thankful to have found a new translator for the Talaud language, and to have started production of programs in a brand new language—Sangihe. 

TURKEY — Our Turkish director’s home church in Antalya has a goal to establish a community and cultural center. This building will be directly across from a university serving 30,000 students. Funding is coming in, and the building is being constructed. Pray that the remaining ten percent of funding needs would be met, and that the new center will be able to open on schedule in the Spring of 2023. 

NEPAL — Give thanks that our Nepali director was able to participate in a mission trip ranging from east to west Nepal where he and a team visited ten churches. At each stop they helped to facilitate Vacation Bible School and other children’s ministry events. Pray that these church plants would be encouraged by the networking, and that the outreach that took place among children would bring many more families to visit these churches.